
You know your budget and we help you stick to it!

At Bowe Dental Clinic we offer competitive pricing without compromising on quality.

No Hidden Fees!

We believe you should know the total cost of your treatment prior to it commencing, so you don’t have to contend with any additional charges during your treatment.

Payment Plans are now available to spread the cost of your treatment over a term that suits you. Click here for more information on our Payment Plans. Note: payment plans must be applied for and approved ahead of any treatment carried out.

The above prices are correct at time of issue. Treatment prices may vary, but final prices will be agreed at the time by patient and dentist.

Fair Pricing Policy

Here at Bowe Dental Clinics, fair pricing is an important part of our ethos. We want the fees that we charge you as a patient to be of great value to you but also to reflect a fair price for our skills and experience – without compromising the quality of materials, our duty to the environment, or the respect we have for our staff and suppliers.

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